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- V39 Specification
- ROM and Disk
- July 8, 1992
- rev 1.7
- (©) Copyright 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- Proprietary and Confidential.
- Doc: rev 1.0 Created February 14, 1992
- This document contains a description of the modules and programs that have
- changed for Amiga OS V39. For a low-level function specification please
- refer to the Autodocs.
- Overview
- Graphics
- o Support new AA modes/features
- o Double buffering
- o Retarget sprite and screen/viewport functions
- o Palette sharing
- o Bitmap functions
- o Interleaved BitMaps
- o Mode promotion, coercion and selection
- o RTG compatible RastPort functions.
- Intuition
- o Support new AA modes
- o Double buffering
- o Support AA graphics functions
- o Default Busy pointer
- o support interleaved bitmaps
- o Attached screens (incl. menu lending)
- o promotion
- o support new sprites
- o Gadget help
- o Tablet support
- o NewLook menus
- o Special gadget relativity and GM_LAYOUT method
- GadTools
- o Palette enhancement
- o ListView enhancement
- o GT_GetGadgetAttrs() function
- o Support for Intuition's NewLook menus and Gadget Help.
- o Many small enhancements
- BootMenu & Battmem
- o PAL/NTSC switch
- o Chip select switch
- Layers
- o Use new optimized layers
- o Layerinfo backfill hook
- o ClipRect traversal
- Workbench
- o Use ILBM as backdrop pattern
- o WB config notification
- o Path of file in 'Information'
- Console
- o fix console not to lock layers for long
- o Use Mask bit to speed up rendering.
- o Misc. enhancements and fixes.
- Clipboard
- o fix r/w bug with units above unit 0
- Filesystem
- o New filesystem with directory blocks.
- Exec:
- o System specific changes
- o Memory pools
- o Memory handler
- o Procure/Vacate
- o Timed out alerts
- o SAD
- CIA resource
- o bump priority to 120
- o Rearrange strings.
- Preferences
- o New IPrefs
- o New WBPattern editor
- o New Pointer editor to support AA.
- o New Palette editor with pen assignments (using the Colorwheel class).
- o IControl changes (promotion)
- WB Disks
- o MultiView
- o Localization of selected programs
- - DiskSalv
- - PrepCard
- - MultiView
- o DiskSalv. Disk-repair program
- o ColorWheel Class: Set of boopsi classes implementing colorwheel color
- selection.
- o New c: commands to use ASL-file requester and easy-requester from
- scripts .
- Appendix A
- New Workbench-disk programs and libraries and their location on the disk set.
- Detailed Specifications
- The following sections describe in more detail the changes and new features in
- AmigaOS V39
- Graphics Specification:
- Philosophy:
- The original Amiga graphics library exposed many device-dependent details to the
- application programmer. Because of this, introduction of new graphics devices has
- been slowed, and application support for new features has been delayed. To reverse
- this trend, no features have been added to the new graphics system which cannot be
- kept for the future. Thus, when newer graphics systems are introduced, system
- software will need fewer changes, and applications will be ready to automatically use
- new capabilities. Thus, parameters such as number of bits per pixel, resolution, color
- palette size, etc. are either variable or have been made very large.
- Low level functionality
- Graphics copper list generation must be extended to handle loading of >6 bit plane
- pointers, loading of extended color registers, handling of fetch and scrolling for 32 and
- 64 bit fetch modes, promotion of interlaced modes to 31khz ("flicker-fixing"), promotion
- of non-interlaced modes via scan-doubling, and color palette banking.
- Compatibility
- The AA chips are register level compatible with the old and ECS chips at boot up time.
- However, when new AA modes are enabled and displayed, and a game then takes over
- the screen display without informing the OS of it, some registers may be in incompatible
- settings. Two approaches will reduce this:
- (a) old Programs which boot with their own custom boot block (games) will have
- AA features disabled unless they are specifically asked for. This should ensure
- transparent compatibility for all bootable games.
- (b) It will be possible to disable AA features for non-compatible programs. This
- will be done via the "BootMenu" which is available at system boot time. New
- options in this menu will allow disabling of AA, disabling of ECS, and switching of
- PAL and NTSC.
- Get/Set functions
- This release of graphics.library will attempt to ease the (future) transition to
- Retargetable Graphics. New functions are provided to do some operations in a more
- device-independent manner. This will help when we have to support foreign graphics
- devices, more than 8 bits per pixel, chunky pixels, and true-color displays.
- This new calls of "Get/Set" function will allow device independent access to fields in the
- RastPort structure which were only previously manipulable by direct structure access.
- Color Map functions
- The color palette in AA is different in a lot of ways from the ECS one:
- o It has 24 bits per entry, plus one bit to select transparency.
- o There are 256 entries which is enough for many programs running on the same
- screen to share the palette.
- The new color palette functions allow for multiple applications to coordinate their access
- to the palette. This allows applications to, for instance, dynamically remap pictures to
- match the color palette of the workbench screen, display animations in windows, etc.
- All colors are now specified as 32 bit left-justified fractions, and are truncated based
- upon the number of bits that the hardware is capable of displaying.
- Bitmap functions
- These function exist because the new AA chips have alignment restrictions in high
- bandwidth modes. Changing InitBitMap and AllocRaster to obey these restrictions
- appears to be very incompatible. Bitmaps created by AllocRaster with a multiple of 32 or
- 64 pixels per line will be compatible with high fetch modes (2x or 4x respectively).
- Incompatible ones will fall back to 1x mode, if 1x mode is capable of displaying the
- screen.
- AllocBitMap allocates an entire bitmap structure, and the display memory for it.
- AllocBitMap allows you to use more than 8 planes, and also allows you to specify
- another bitmap pointer, thus telling the system to allocate the bitmap to be "like" another
- bitmap. A bitmap allocated in such a matter may be able to blit to this bitmap faster.
- Such a bitmap may be stored in a foreign device's local memory. Do not assume
- anything about the structure of a bitmap allocated in this manner. The size of a bitmap
- structure is subject to change in future graphics releases. Thus, you should use
- AllocBitMap/FreeBitMap for your raster allocation.
- Sprite functions
- Graphics sprite functions (MoveSprite) have beene extended to understand large
- sprites, selectable sprite pixel resolution, and movement of scan-doubled sprites. Sprite
- positioning is no longer rounded down to lo-res pixel resolution. Applications will no
- longer have to "know" about the hardware-dependent format of sprite data.
- Miscellaneous
- Some new features have been added, in order to:
- o Improve the programming model.
- o Provide new capabilities to applications
- o More fully take advantage of AA.
- Interleaved screens have been added. These use a different layout of the graphics data
- in order to speed rendering operations and eliminate the annoying "color-flash" problem
- which is the hallmark of planar (as opposed to "chunky") display architectures.
- Double buffering functions have been added. These allow applications to display very
- smooth, synchronized animation in fully an efficient "intuition-friendly" manner.
- Support has been added for AA border blanking, sprites in borders, and color palette
- banking. See also the ScrollRasterBF() function.
- Some operations have been sped up: RectFill() has been rewritten, WritePixel() uses
- the CPU (3x speedup) and other optimizations.
- Some bugs have been fixed.
- Intuition Specification
- New Graphics Modes
- Intuition directly supports the new graphics modes, including higher color resolutions
- through Preferences and through SA_Colors32.
- New Sprite Features
- The pointer code in Intuition has been completely reworked in order to support the new
- AA sprite options, including higher sprite-resolutions, wider sprites, and sprite
- scan-doubling. This allows the user to have a fine-grain pointer, which looks a lot
- better. As well, Intuition goes to great lengths to remain compatible with users of other
- sprites. Intuition pointers are created through a new boopsi class called "pointerclass",
- and set through a new SetWindowPointer() call. Intuition directly supports a standard
- busy pointer, changeable through Preferences.
- NewLook Menus and Title Bar
- By adding three additional pens to the DrawInfo pen-array, Intuition now allows control
- over the colors used in rendering menus. This will allow the black on white menus with
- black trim that the Style Guide recommends. As well, the screen title bar is rendered to
- match.
- In addition, the Amiga-key and checkmark symbols that appear in the menus are
- colored accordingly, and are scaled by default to the screen's font. It is possible to use
- a custom font in a window's menus, and have the checkmark and Amiga-key symbols
- for that window scaled to that font.
- It is trivial to write compatible applications that come up optimally under all conditions
- (including V37).
- GadTools recognizes and supports NewLook Menus.
- Double-Buffering in Screens
- Intuition now supports double-buffering in screens, via the new double-buffering calls in
- graphics.library. It is possible to have menus and certain kinds of gadgets (in a
- borderless backdrop window) on a double-buffered screen.
- Attached Screens
- Intuition now supports the concept of attached screens. Screen attachment is done at
- OpenScreen() time through the SA_Parent, SA_FrontChild, and SA_BackChild tags.
- Child screens can be dragged independently of each other and their parent (though
- never above their parent). Pulling down the parent below its natural top causes the
- child screens to move as well.
- Whenever an attached screen is depth-arranged by the user or via the old calls, that
- screen's entire family moves as a group. A new call is provided to allow programmatic
- depth-arrangement of the child screen within its family.
- Gadget Help and Special Gadget Relativity
- The gadget structure now has an additional rectangle, which is the bounding box. The
- HelpControl() function can be used to turn on "Gadget Help" for one or more windows.
- When Gadget Help is on, passing the mouse over the bounding box of a gadget having
- the GMORE_GADGETHELP property causes an IDCMP_GADGETHELP message to
- be sent. IDCMP_GADGETHELP messages are also sent when the mouse is not over
- the window, or is over the window but not over a help-reporting gadget. There is a
- GM_HELPTEST method which boopsi gadgets can use to refine their sensitivity area or
- to delegate the test to member gadgets.
- Also, GRELxxx gadgets now use the bounding box to erase themselves, so you can
- now have GREL gadgets whose imagery extends outside of the gadget select box. As
- well, there is a GM_LAYOUT method which boopsi gadgets can use to do any arbitrary
- layout within their window.
- New Tablet Support
- Intuition defines a new subclass of input-event which should solve tablet handling quite
- nicely. Tablet drivers now have an easy time knowing what they should be scaling to.
- In addition, it is now possible for applications to receive extended IntuiMessages that
- can contain such information as pressure, sub-pixel position, etc. The extra information
- is extensible to cover things we cannot yet foresee. Boopsi gadgets receive tablet
- information in their GM_GOACTIVE and GM_HANDLEINPUT methods.
- Custom Image Disable-Rendering
- For a disabled gadget under V37, Intuition always rendered the dot pattern itself. Under
- V39, an image can set the IA_SupportsDisable attribute to TRUE, and then Intuition will
- let it do its own disabled rendering, through the IDS_DISABLED or the (new)
- IDS_SELECTEDDISABLED image drawing states. This is transparently compatible
- with V37.
- Promotion
- Crudely speaking, promotion is de-interlacing in software. IControl has a "promotion
- option". This flags instructs Intuition to tell graphics to change the mapping of the
- default monitor. Database-aware programs will now receive information about the
- double-NTSC (or double-PAL) mode when enquiring about the default monitor. Of
- course, if the user changes the promotion setting after the application is open, not
- everything it learned from the database will still be true. The new method also means
- that an application can request to never be promoted by asking for explicit NTSC or
- explicit PAL, instead of the default monitor.
- Pen-Sharing
- Under V39, Graphics supports sharing pens (ObtainPen(), etc.). Intuition now uses and
- supports the graphics.library pen-sharing scheme. For all screens, pens found in the
- DrawInfo->dri_Pens are obtained as sharable. For existing public screens, all other
- pens are allocated as exclusive. For custom screens and aware public screens (those
- that set the new SA_SharePens tag), all other pens are left unallocated. On the
- Workbench screen, pens 0 to 3 and ~0 to ~3 are also made sharable.
- Interleaved Screens
- As graphics.library now supports interleaved bitmaps, Intuition makes this feature
- available to screen openers via the SA_Interleaved tag. Currently, the Workbench is
- interleaved, provided IPrefs has run. For compatibility, it is not interleaved if it opens
- before IPrefs.
- Coercion and Inter-Screen-Gap
- Intuition now relies on graphics.library to figure out coerced screen modes, and the
- required inter-screen-gap. This allows greater inter-mode compatibility, better coercion
- results, and compatibility with future monitors.
- Pens and DrawInfo
- The new SA_LikeWorkbench tag gives you a screen just like the Workbench. This was
- basically a consequence of getting pens settable through preferences while keeping
- NewLook menus on the Workbench screen.
- When the SA_Pens pen-array is evaluated, pens are masked to the number of available
- colors. As well, special definitions of pen-number (PEN_C3, PEN_C2, PEN_C1, and
- PEN_C0) mean the complementary pen numbers of pens 0 to 3.
- Preferences now listens to only 8 colors for the bitmap, which Intuition will set as the
- first four and the last four colors of the Workbench or any "Workbench-like" screen
- (those having the SA_FullPalette or SA_LikeWorkbench attributes).
- The way the DrawInfo pens are determined is Intuition picks a default pen-array. Then,
- any pens you supply with SA_Pens override the defaults, up until the ~0 in your array.
- If the screen is monochrome or old-look, the default will be the standard two-color pens.
- If the screen is two or more planes deep, the default will be the standard four-color
- pens, which now include the new-look menu colors.
- If the screen has the SA_LikeWorkbench property, the default will be the user's
- preferred pen-array, changeable through preferences. There is a preferred pen-array
- for four colors, and one for eight or more colors.
- Miscellaneous Window Features
- If a window is not front-most, but nevertheless is unobscured, then clicking on its depth
- gadget used to bring it to front, which had no visual effect. It now depth-arranges
- correctly (i.e. to back).
- An application can now request to hear an IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW message when
- its window is depth-arranged.
- Size-only zooming (where the window top-left corner is preserved) is now supported.
- Miscellaneous Screen Features
- Screens may now be made non-draggable. Screens can be designated as exclusive,
- meaning they will never share the display with another screen. The SA_BackFill tag
- can be used to specify a backfill hook for the screen's LayerInfo. Is it now possible to
- control the SA_Pens or other previously unavailable attributes of the Workbench
- screen. This will allow things such as light-on-dark text. Screens can have interleaved
- bitmaps. There are new universal screen movement and depth-arrangement functions.
- Intuition now supports scrollable 2024/Moniterm screens.
- Screen depth is always validated. Making a request for a screen too deep causes
- failure with OSERR_TOODEEP.
- All pre-V39 functions that depth-arranged screens, and all Intuition's own invocations
- (including Amiga-M/N processing and screen depth-gadget processing) go through the
- new ScreenDepth() LVO.
- Miscellaneous
- The DoGadgetMethodA() function allows you to invoke a method on a gadget, which
- will then receive a valid GadgetInfo pointer.
- The boopsi image class "frameiclass" supports the standard border types (eg. bevelled
- box, string-gadget ridge, "moat", AppWindow icon drop-box).
- Intuition now notices and repairs damage when boopsi gadgets use ScrollRaster().
- (Such damage occurs when the gadget is in a simple-refresh window and part of the
- scrolled area is obscured). Such gadgets MUST set GMORE_SCROLLRASTER in
- order to benefit from this magic repair feature. (Note that
- ScrollWindowRaster() is for
- applications. Boopsi gadgets ought to use ScrollRaster() or ScrollRasterBF()).
- Alerts can be set to time-out automatically, via TimedDisplayAlert().
- Speed Improvements
- When a window opens active, its border is rendered only once, not twice. This looks
- better and is faster.
- EasyRequests and AutoRequests now put their imagery and gadgets directly in their
- window, instead of also using a requester. This saves memory, and is faster.
- Intuition can now recognize and suppress certain extraneous window refresh events.
- The rubber-band frame when moving or dragging windows is now drawn faster.
- Several other speed optimizations were taken.
- GadTools specification
- For V39, work has been done to GadTools to address new Intuition features, to add
- some important features missing from V37 GadTools, and to fix a few bugs. The key
- changes are:
- - A "get gadget attributes" function
- - Support for Intuition's NewLook menus
- - Support for Intuition's new Gadget Help feature
- - The ListView gadget has been completely rewritten
- - Many enhancements to the different kinds of gadget, including a complete
- re-write of PALETTE_KIND, support for proportional fonts in the slider level
- display, as well as scalable checkmark and radio button imagery.
- BootMenu & Battmem:
- Bootmenu has been enhanced with support for selection of default video mode (PAL or
- NTSC) and selection of default chipset.
- Bootmenu will switch between PAL and NTSC when a key on the keyboard is pressed
- (except certain special purpose keys like SHIFT, ALT etc).
- Chip selection offers the following choices:
- - Original [ the original pre ECS chipset]
- - ECS
- - Best
- 'Best' means that the system will boot into the 'AA' on a AA system, ECS on an ECS
- system etc.
- Setting can be saved to battmem or used without saving.
- Layers specification:
- Layers has been reworked from the inside and now sports optimized cliprect generation
- and optimal dedicing. It also has reduced the number of times layers will blit to the
- display such that each display pixel is only rendered once whenever possible. In
- addition, the general cliprect traversal routine has been enhanced to provide a faster
- and more supportable method for graphics (and others) to render into layers.
- As a side effect, it seems that there are two programs (WHAP and a terminal program)
- that can leave junk on the display. This is due to the fact that they play silly games with
- rastports and the new minimal rendering ends up not double-clearing the area.
- A LayerInfo backfill hook feature has been added to the system too.
- The new optimized layers.library is used in V39. Layers has been further enhanced by
- adding ClipRect traversal and support for Layerinfo backfill hook
- Workbench specification:
- In addition to a more consistent handling of preferences via IPrefs, Workbench now can
- take patterns of arbitrary size, which means that full pictures can be used as
- backgrounds in Workbench windows.
- Workbench's Information window now displays the path to the icon in question and is
- fully asynchronous. This means that you can have any number of Information windows
- open at the same time and still use Workbench.
- Other little changes include the prop gadgets and the fact that copying icons now clone
- the date and About now has the "?" as a keyboard shortcut to match style guide.
- Exec specification:
- In addition to a number of bug fixes in the semaphore code, semaphores now also have
- asynchronous obtain methods (known as Procure() and Vacate()) These functions
- existed before but never worked. Now they are able to use SignalSemaphore
- structures just like ObtainSemaphore() and can be use interchangably with the
- Obtain/Release semaphore functions.
- Also, in an attempt to help make dynamic system resource operations more possible,
- the low memory handler system has been added. This system lets an application
- register to get called when a memory allocation would need to fail in order that it may be
- able to release enough memory to satisfy the allocation. This means that RAMLIB no
- longer SetFunction()s the memory allocation routine but is just a simple handler on the
- list. It also means that memory allocation is now faster by a few (many) cycles.
- High-performance, low-overhead private memory pools have been added to EXEC.
- This is a system in which memory allocations are pooled together to help reduce the
- fragmentation of system memory, improve allocation speed, and make allocation
- tracking much simpler. With memory pools, you can allocate just like with AllocMem()
- and then just delete the whole pool in one call. The memory pools are designed to be
- very fast with as little overhead as possible.
- Timed-out alerts - one of the most asked for features, have been added. This means
- that alerts will now go away after a while. It also means that you can set the time-out to
- 0 and have the alert never show up. (Basically, just the ticket if you want to run a
- simple unmanned system)
- SAD - The Simple Amiga Debugging Kernel is a powerful core set of features that will
- let you do remote debugging. This kernel replaces the ROMWack kernel.
- Documentation for SAD is in the EXEC autodocs. SAD is also timed such that if
- something causes SAD to start and no one is listening, SAD will exit and thus let the
- system continue.
- Console specification
- - AA scrolling optimizations
- - AA change in EOR cursor logic
- - Research a command to specify new defaults for ESC[0m. This would allow
- programs which send ESC[0m not to change the users preferred defaults - a
- nice thing for many of our programs which run from the Shell, and insist on
- resetting my preferred SGR settings.
- - Cursor & highlighting only use colors 0-3 in screens which support color sharing
- (e.g., WB).
- Clipboard.device specification:
- Fix units 1-255 multi R/W handling.
- Filesystem specification
- A new filesystem type (option) has been added: Directory Caching. This caches all the
- information normally returned by ExNext/ExAll in a series of blocks attached to each
- directory. These blocks normally hold 15 entries; the actual number can range from 3 to
- 20 for 512-byte blocks.
- These blocks allow ExNext/ExAll to do drastically less disk access. Roughly, this makes
- floppies almost as fast as hard disks under 2.04, and harddisks almost as fast as the
- ramdisk. This is dramatically noticeable to users, especially floppy-based users.
- There is a slowdown in file-creation (about 30% on harddisks), some slowdown on
- delete and on close of a modified file due to the need to update these caches. Also,
- validation, if needed, may take slightly longer since it must validate all the directory
- caches. These caches do add to the ability of disk-repair utilities to rebuild the directory
- structure of a trashed disk, though, or rebuild trashed fileheader blocks.
- The code cost is about 2-2.5K. Also, in the process of doing these modifications,
- several nasty holes from 2.04 (and before) were fixed. These include the
- multiple-files-of-the-same-name bug, and a bug not seen experimentally where a
- rename of a file and a delete of the previous file in that hash chain could collide, losing
- entire strings of files (or in rename versus rename, entire strings of files could be moved
- to the wrong directory). All modification of directory structures is now locked behind
- co-routine semaphores, so no holes like this should show up again.
- Various other bug fixes are being done as required.
- CIA resource specification:
- Bump priority to 120
- DOS specification:
- Rearrange strings to avoid using concatenation.
- Preferences specification:
- Prefs/Pointer
- Changes are required for AA sprite support. This includes larger sprites with varying
- resolutions and number of colors. Another needed change is to support editing of the
- default busy pointer.
- Prefs/Palette
- With 3.0's pen sharing abilities, a different more abstract color model must be available
- to users. Palette Prefs will gain a pen editing ability which will let the user associate
- arbitrary RGB values to any of Intuition's logical pens. So for example, the user will be
- able to specify which RGB value should be used for his text, background, window
- border, etc...
- Prefs/WBPattern
- Must learn to deal with more complex patterns. This will be done in a manner similar to
- the current Sound preferences in that a user can just enter the name of a picture to
- display as Workbench pattern.
- Prefs/IControl
- A few checkboxes need to be added to enable control of Promotion.
- C/IPrefs
- Needs to adapt to the new extended Workbench pattern ability. It must load an ILBM file
- and pass the result on to Workbench. Operations can be done on the graphics before
- displaying it such as color remapping.
- Needs to adapt to the new way Workbench expects to hear about changes to Font and
- Locale preferences.
- WB disk (tools, utilities etc. ) specification
- Tools/DiskSalv
- New program to repair and recover hard drives.
- Utilities/MultiView
- This is a object-oriented data viewer that uses the datatypes.library for its object
- handling. Any type of data file can be viewed using this viewer, as long as class for the
- data type is available.
- Objects can be viewed on the Workbench screen, any public screen, or a custom
- screen (for HAM pictures for example).
- Classes that will be shipped will be:
- ANSI - Used to view any text document that Utilities/More could have viewed,
- including decoding of ANSI escape sequences.
- ILBM - Used to view Amiga ILBM pictures. Includes the ability to remap a picture
- to the current palette (uses new graphic functions to obtain pens, plus does
- simple dithering).
- AmigaGuide - Used to browse through AmigaGuide documents. This is backwards
- compatible with the existing AmigaGuide. There have been a number of small
- enhancements, such as; proportional font support, word wrap, and text attributes
- (bold, italic, and underline).
- Storage/Monitors
- New monitors for AA support
- Localization
- Localize the following applications:
- - DiskSalv
- - PrepCard
- - MultiView
- - misc new strings in updated preferences programs.
- - new non-concatenated DOS strings.
- Tools/Commodities/MouseBlanker
- A new mouse blanking commodity that shuts off the mouse pointer whenever the user
- types on the keyboard.
- Appendix A
- Workbench 3.0 Disk-changes (layout)
- program Change
- C/#? - Misc. bug fixes
- C/AddDataTypes - New
- C/IPrefs - pointer, palette, and wbpattern changes
- C/RequestChoice - New
- C/RequestFile - New
- Classes/amigaguide.class - New
- Classes/ascii.class - New
- Classes/colorwhell.class - New
- Classes/floatstring.class - New
- Classes/ilbm.class - New
- Classes/picture.class - New
- Classes/text.class - New
- Devs/DataTypes/AmigaGuide - New
- Devs/DataTypes/FTXT - New
- Devs/DataTypes/ILBM - New
- Devs/printer.device - HAM-8 support
- L/FastFileSystem - DCFS version
- Libs/amigaguide.library - New
- Libs/datatypes.library - New
- Libs/iffparse.library - Optimization
- Locale/Catalogs/#? - Updated translations
- Prefs/Palette - Color wheel
- Prefs/Pointer - AA support
- Prefs/WBPattern - WB backdrop support
- Storage/Monitors/A2024 - 3.0 ROM support
- Storage/Monitors/DoubleNTSC - New
- Storage/Monitors/DoublePAL - New
- System/Format - DCFS support
- Tools/Commodities/MouseBlanker - New
- Tools/DiskSalv - New
- Tools/HDToolBox - UI overhaul
- Utilities/MultiView - New